Writing Firsts by Janet Gurtler

I love firsts. The freshness. The clean slate. The anticipation and newness of new beginnings! Firsts keep us hopeful and alive.

First picture with a Stormtrooper
2012 is a New Year. (Yes. I did notice. Believe it or not I am quite observant about these sorts of things.) So maybe it's not actually a well kept secret, but the beginning of a New Year is truly a delightful time to imagine all that might be. Despite my fear of proclaiming goals to the world at large, there is a wiggle in my belly, a dream in my heart for what could be in this new year of ours.

First Janet Gurtler Book
The wonderful thing about this crazy publishing business is that there are many, many firsts. Last year was my first YA Book as Janet Gurtler. My first book with Sourcebooks. My first year with two books out in one year.  My first sale on a partial.  My first time writing to a tight deadline and my first time, making that deadline. My first trip to New York City. My first book launch with friends. The list goes on and on and I'm sure the same can be said for every reader of this blog. Published authors, readers, prepublished writers, all of us!

First Chihuahua

When I look back at the year past, there were so very many firsts that I didn't even know were going to transpire. So many surprises and gifts from the universe. What about you?

Of course, I'm only pointing out the good things right now. There were lots of firsts that weren't so magical. And there will continue to be more. But ah. The firsts that taste like calorie free chocolate cake with thick, sweet icing. Those are the ones that I am looking forward to. 

My first book published in 2012 is coming. I can dream of about it for now and set my hopes high. (Reality will come soon enough.) I'll have first look at a cover. There will be my first appearance in a print anthology (Dear Teen Me).  My first high school talk.

So many firsts to look forward to, so many I don't even know about yet. So many outside of my writing world and so many that will enrich my life. Some that may break my heart and some that might even make me cry. Let's hope those are the minority.

Here's to a big list of great firsts to you and yours in 2012!! Publishing firsts and real world firsts too!
What are some first you are looking forward to this year?  
First time reading lots of great new books!


  1. A sweet and thoughtful post that made me feel very nostalgic, but also excited about going forward! Thanks, Janet! Excited about your new book, btw!

  2. I smiled throughout the post.

    Can't wait to read If I Tell. Have a great year!

  3. I'm incredibly excited about moving forward into '12, too, Janet! '12, here we come...

  4. Lovely post, Janet -- thanks! Great perspective. There are some things I'm hoping for in 2012, but who knows.... whatever happens, there are bound to be some "firsts"! here's hoping for some pleasant surprises. ;)

    Wishing you a great 2012....

  5. Those are some pretty awesome firsts! So fun to read about.

  6. Thanks all! Firsts are pretty awesome, yes!

  7. Oh my God that picture with the Storm Trooper makes me happy, Janet.


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