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Suspense and Episodic Writing (Holly Schindler)

This theme comes at an interesting time for me--now that I've wrapped my Christmas book for the year, it's time to plot / outline a new project. Right now, I'm plotting out the revision of a mystery novel (one that I've decided should be a suspense novel rather than a cozy) as well as the fiction podcast I've had in mind for ages.    The podcast is the first time I've attempted truly episodic writing. Aiming for twenty-minute episodes, which equals about ten pages of writing. Making sure the readers (ahem, listeners) are emotionally invested in the characters (caring = amplification of suspense), making sure the episodes end on cliffhangers, making sure everyone can understand everything that's happening in the current scene but that there is also a question that needs answering... Those are all elements that bring me back to the fiction podcasts I've personally enjoyed the most. And they're classic elements of suspense.  Maybe, in essence, all story

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