I hope you use your time wisely by Patty Blount

 I’m typing this into my phone mere hours before a funeral. My sister-in-law passed away this week after a battle with cancer. 

Cancer has run through my family like we’re a race track. My mom, my niece, my in-laws, my son … all have fought various cancers. 

Some lost. 

The lesson here is that our most precious commodity isn’t money or oil or bitcoin. It’s time. 

Don’t wait for someday to write your novel. If you want to write, do it now. Trust me, no one is sitting around this funeral home right now saying what a clean house Cindy kept. No, we’re talking about the times we each spent with her, the fun and the laughter, the events. 

I’ve been saying for years that I want to give self publishing a try. This is the year I do that. 

I’m done waiting for someday. 

I need to come up with a corporation name. I thought about naming my self-publishing business after my son's dog, Beau. Southern Beau Books, maybe? (They live in North Carolina.) 

But then I remembered Cindy's favorite place on earth was her beach cottage in Rhode Island. Beach House Books? 

I don't know; maybe I'll combine them: Beau on the Beach? Beach Beau Books? 


  1. Huge hugs on your loss...on every loss. And thank you for an always-needed reminder not to put off the things that matter.
    A lot of us on this blog have been self publishing for a while, so you have us as a resource as you go forward into what might feel like a scary new direction for your career. You'll do great!

  2. Do it! The coolest thing about self-publishing is that it's never a done deal. Even after it's been published, it can be tweaked--new cover, new jacket copy. Or even revised and republished.

  3. Cancer is an emotion thief, My wishes are with you and I look forward to whatever you publish this year.


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