Long Overdue Thanks, by Brian Katcher

Okay, time to mention the teachers who helped me become the writer I am today. Whether or not this is a good thing, it's up to you to decide:

Mrs. Dawkins, 3rd grade:

I don't remember this, but apparently she made me revise my poetry notebook to make it better. I came home fuming and told my mother that if I were a real writer, no one would ever make me go back and change anything.

Oh, so much to learn.

Mr. Marshall, 5th grade:

He was the one who taught me that no matter what, you can never end a story with 'and he woke up and it was all a dream.' He also introduced me to Roald Dahl books, a debt which can never be repaid.

Mrs. Turpin, high school speech (and Mr. Smith, drama):

Helped me get over my intense fear of speaking in public.

Mrs. Deters, high school creative writing:

We went back and forth about my constant fart/masterbation jokes, but she always supported and encouraged my creativity. Recently, she admitted that I did, in fact, make an entire career out of my sarcastic tone.

Ms. Somers-Rogers, college freshman English:

First person to suggest that I might have talent as a writer. Too bad I ignored that advice for years.

This list does not include the many math, science, language, etc teachers who have influenced me over the years. And now that I'm a teacher myself, I know how annoying a student like me must have been. Thanks for everything.



  1. "This is getting old." "Change your sarcastic tone immediately." LOVE these. I bet secretly she enjoyed your writing though...

  2. I always loved Roald Dahl too, especially his book Matilda, which I still have. It made me happy to read about a little girl who loved reading as much as I did.

  3. I was thinking the same thing as Jody. One of those situations where it probably made her day, but she HAD to tell you it wasn't funny.

  4. It's amazing that you still have this paper! Priceless.



    Is genius.


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