A Writer's Resolutions

 by Charlotte Bennardo

Resolutions. Most people make them every New Year's Eve. I don't bother anymore because if it's important enough to make a resolution, I don't wait until New Year's Eve- I make the resolution NOW.

Photo by Viridiana Rivera: https://www.pexels.com/photo/2024-19797314/

And I don't stop at one resolution because there are so many things I want to accomplish. But for my writing resolutions, the ones I'm working on this year are:

  • Writing a summer novel.  (It's not going too well because first I tore my rotator cuff, then I had hip replacement surgery, and I recently broke my leg. It's hard to focus on writing when you're in pain, doing physical therapy, depressed with all the physical problems.) At least I started the novel, writing the first three chapters and have it outlined. It's no inconceivable that I will get it done this year, if I take a NaNoWriMo approach and write 1,600 words every day until the novel is finished.
  • Revise my MFA thesis novel. I've succeeded (I changed the POV to first person); I not only revised it, but have sent it out on submission to agents. (Only rejections so far, but that leads to the next resolution.)
  • Submitting my work. I have four novels out on submission: an adult sweet holiday romance, an NA literary/horror/sci fi mashup, and two YA contemporary fantasy novels. When a rejection comes in, another query goes out. 
  • Write and submit short stories. Friday is short story day. And although I've gotten some rejections, I've gotten two acceptances. Plus, I've built up a book of short stories to submit whenever I find a new market.
  • Revise other manuscripts. In the aftermath of obtaining my MFA, I have a keener eye for plot, characters, dialogue, conflict, and markets. 
There are other smaller resolutions (like keeping my desk clear) that I keep in mind. My list is fluid; sometimes I take one thing off to add a different one because of a priority change. I don't beat myself up if I can't get everything done, but I hold myself accountable for getting something done. I've since pulled myself up, in a literal and figurative sense, and am working on my resolutions again.

What are your resolutions?

Charlotte writes MG, YA, NA, and adult novels and short stories in sci fi, fantasy, contemporary, and paranormal genres. She is the author of the award-winning middle grade Evolution Revolution trilogy, Simple Machines, Simple Plans, and Simple Lessons. She co-authored the YA novels Blonde OPS, Sirenz, and Sirenz Back in Fashion. She has several short stories in anthologies and online. Having finished her MFA, she's applying what she learned and is working on several children's and adult novels and short stories. She lives in NJ but dreams of a Caribbean beach house. 


  1. I'm the midst of shifting around all sorts of things on my to-do list...


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