When to let go and when to hold on by Patty Blount

 Hi! Happy Holidays to all! 

I’m writing to you from North Carolina, where I’m visiting family for Christmas. Throughout this month, we’re talking about letting go, and while that’s important, I think it’s also important to know when to hold on. 

I hadn’t published anything since 2018. 

For an award-winning author, the mere suggestion that my writing career could be over sent me into a tail spin. And I was still writing! I just couldn’t sell any projects. 

Every time I thought about quitting, I just couldn’t accept that as my new reality. 

And it finally hit me that I shouldn’t have to. 

I mean sure- the publishing industry is in flux. But the reasons why I write haven’t changed. I’m not doing this for money or fame-though it would be nice to achieve both. I write because I love telling stories. 

What else could I do to put stories in the hands of readers? 

Hmm - maybe try self publishing? 

I’m happy to report I self-published two novels this year. Am I raking in the big bucks? No. But I am getting stories into readers’ hands and satisfying my need to write. 

Sometimes, letting go just means CHANGE. 


  1. Congrats on the self-publishing! NOTHING teaches you about writing as much as self-publishing. And I'm with you on refusing to let writing go.

  2. Oh my debut SISTER!! I saw you have new books out and am SO excited to read more of your awesome novels!! Book publishing and I finally broke up after the 'book of my heart' (aka my memoir that took 20 years to get published)(!!!) was finally released last year with my publisher fumbling the roll out and crippling the book's chances despite two starred reviews (including Kirkus)(!!!) For the time being I"m exclusively working on Screenplays which I highly recommend. It feels like starting over, but the writing itself still brings me joy. Here's to holding on to the good stuff and wishing you all the best!! xo L

    1. Ugh, you too? As for Screenplays, I am DYING to try that. Actually, I want to convert SEND to a play. I think it would make an awesome school play. Also, high five on the starred reviews!

    2. SEND would make an awesome play!!! Honestly, adaptations are a great hack for getting started with screenwriting! Best of luck and happy to commiserate and/or do critique exchanges! xoxo L


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