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Creating conflict (by Laurie Faria Stolarz)

The topic for this month is conflict. Why is conflict so important in storytelling?  (Spoiler alert: because  it simply is.) Conflict is often introduced right from the start of a story – right after we’re introduced to the main character. It provides the question as to why we should keep reading. What is the question begging to be answered?  Why should we turn the page?   Normally, this question involves two opposing forces. Someone wants something but he/she/they can’t get it (as someone or -thing is keeping them from getting it). And so begins the character’s journey in seeking to attain whatever it is they want, facing obstacles along the way, and learning whatever is necessary in the process. During that journey, the character will grow and, in the end, either attain the wanted thing or come away with some wise truth (or both). Maybe what they think they want will even evolve a bit. So many possibilities, but oodles and oodles of conflict nonetheless.   Conflict can be either inte

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