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Decisions, decisions.... (LAURIE FARIA STOLARZ)

One of my books,  Bleed , was inspired by the notion of decisions – how the choices we make in life, big or small, can have a domino effect, impacting those we may not even know, in ways we may never have imagined.  The decision to answer a phone call, for example… What if one doesn’t answer and lets the call go to voice mail? What is the impact of that choice, not only for the person receiving the call but also for the caller?  And, how about the impact made as a result of the caller’s next actions? What if he decides to call someone else – for the better or the worse? Or get into a car? Or drink something he shouldn’t? Or take a walk? Who will he meet on that walk? Where will he drive to? Who will he speak to? What will he learn? What future mistakes will he make? All of those questions are impacted by choice – his choice, as a consequence of not having his phone call answered. So many possibilities. Life is like that too. We do the best we can with choice, based on what we know in t

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