
Showing posts from 2024

Suspense and Episodic Writing (Holly Schindler)

Will it, or Won’t It...And other Aspects of Suspense.

So What Happens Next?

Using How To Lose A Best Friend by Jordan Casomar as a Mentor Text for Suspense (Sydney Salter)

Life in the Slow Lane (Mary Strand)

Interview With Victory Witherkeigh, Author of The Demon

Why Bother? (Brian Katcher)

Resolutions: Mondays, I write! by Jen Doktorski

Story Resolutions: Starting at the End (Laurie Faria Stolarz)

The End...But Is It Really? by Patty Blount

My First 2025 Resolution (Holly Schindler)

I Hereby Resolve


The Hero's Journey in Art ...and Life (Andrea Torrey Balsara)