Lions and Tigers and Deadlines, Oh My

My to-do list has gotten out of control.

For starters, I have one book due at the end of December.  It's half written.

I have another book due at the end of March. I haven't started it and haven't even decided on a plot.

Oh and my editor expressed interested in a spec book I'm writing.  She'd like to see a finished book this spring.  It's about half done and does have a rough plot.

My mom just died and there's a lot that needs to be done in the wake of her death. I lost a lot of time either caring for her and/or being sad and/or being overwhelmed.  (And she was ready to die and had a good death. My condolences to anyone who has experienced it otherwise.)

I have also resolved to start ridding myself of the stacks and stacks of "things" I have.

I need to set up an SEP IRA.

On Veteran's Day, I'm spending 10 hours with a CSI to see what it's really like and to ask a million questions.

I need to blurb someone's book.  I said yes months ago, before the craziness happened.

I was not tapped to test for purple belt this last test in kung fu, but have high hopes to be asked to do the next test - which I hear is going to happen soon.  Before that I need to get as good at monkey lines as this woman from  my school.  I need to practice my 45-degree roundhouse kicks and grappling and a dozen other things.

Whew! What do you have to do this month or soon?


  1. Wow, April--what a full plate! I'd love to know how that time with the CSI goes...

  2. Oh boy--you are a busy girl! Sending lots of relaxation your way to balance it out!

  3. Whew, April!!! Good luck with all the things! I hope you get some relaxation in, too. I just got done with a spell of Too Many Things (moving across the country will do that) and am trying to get things calmed and organized and then dive into a bunch of projects!

  4. OMG, I was getting exhausted and anxious just reading this! You are a strong woman to have to go through all of this. It's a lot for one person. I'm sure you will complete your deadlines and get your belt. Hang in there. Hope you get some time to just chill too.


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