Why Not Dream Big by Sydney Salter

I believe wholeheartedly in dreaming big. I'm always telling my daughters, you get one life, so do the most you can with it. Take risks. Take chances. Go places and do things. 

Nothing bothers me more than hearing a parent limit their child because they lack the imagination to think of all the possibilities. A man I know would only let his kids major in topics that led to jobs that he understood--like accounting. Seems like a way to live a slightly unfilled life to me.

Even worse is watching people limit themselves. As a writer, I often hear people say, I wish I could write a book. To that I always say, you can write a book. Just start writing, and allow it to be bad. You can fix what's on the page. I strongly believe that anyone who wants to write can develop the necessary skills.

I do think that dreaming big within a realistic framework is important. There are many things that I think would be fun to do, but they're beyond my ability. I love swimming, but I'm not going to win an Olympic medal. I've never been a competitive athlete, but that didn't stop me from writing about one!

One of things I love about writing is that I can live in a story about any big dream--when my imagination really soars into the clouds. 


  1. Yes! You can absolutely do anything. The one limit is what you believe is possible.


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