All Writing is Risky by Sydney Salter

Tomorrow I'll be starting a new novel, and while the vision in my mind is SO GREAT, I know that the words on the page will come up short. SO MUCH work will be required to make the story be the best it can be, and it will still fall short of the vision in my mind. In spite of the risks, I'll be plunging into my WIP tomorrow, even if I only dip my toes into a few paragraphs. 

When my story is ready to submit, I'll face more risk. The awful feeling of rejection. People won't connect with my story, won't fall in love, won't feel enough excitement (all of these are quotes from recent rejections). Maybe no one will want to publish my new story. In spite of the risks, I'll keep submitting that story. Maybe I'll need to pull back and do another round of revision, but then I'll risk all that rejection again.

If I'm lucky to have my story published, I'll face the biggest risk of all: public opinion. One star reviews. Odd online comments. And that weird feeling from all those people who think that what I've portrayed in fiction is my actual life (but you don't have X or do Y or look like Z) Maybe no one will even read my story. In spite of all those risks, I'll dive into promoting my story, putting myself "out there" in a way that's uncomfortable to someone who enjoys making stuff up alone. 

The whole darn process feels like a polar plunge, terrifying but exhilarating. And so worth the risk.


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