My Favorite Habit by Patty Blount

 I got hooked on books when I was about four years old. Mom took me to the public library and that was it. We read stories together often. 

By the time I was about 7 or 8 years old, I'd 'discovered' Nancy Drew and Trixie Belden mysteries in the library. I read every one I could get my hands on. 

My pre-teen years introduced me to Romance fiction and all I can say is WOW. That really hooked me. That's what I wanted to write. You know, Romance fiction gets such a bad rap and I don't fully grasp why. I mean, when it comes to reality, what's more REAL than romance? Most of us strive to find that special person and I have to wonder if those same people looking for love in real life aren't the same ones turning down their thumbs at Romance. 

Mystery is fun, sure. I loved when I was able to tell Nancy or Trixie who the bad guys were before they figured it out. They're puzzles and I love to solve puzzles. But Romance is special. It goes DEEP. It introduces you to not one but TWO heroes and even as it's showing you all the ways these two are perfect for each other, it throws obstacles in their paths that keep them apart. You KNOW they'll end up together by the end of their story, but getting to experience all the emotion they feel as they reach that point is nothing shy of pure magic. 

My first romance novels were Barbara Cartlandt's in all their historical and puritanical glory. By 14, I was reading Harlequins as fast as they were released. Romance critics claim they're UNREALISTIC so I wonder what novels they're reading, because the ones I read show deeply flawed people not only finding love, but finally understanding that they deserve that love despite their flaws. These characters make mistakes, they screw up, they hurt each other, but in the end, forgiveness and hope win out. 


I can't think of anything more real life than relationships that are tested and grow stronger as a result. 

What do you think about Romance fiction? Tell me in the comments! 


  1. I loooove a good romance. At its heart, romance is about two people getting over their pasts / baggage and letting something unexpected and wonderful in. Can't get enough of that.

  2. I just finished Canadian Boyfriend by Jenny Holiday. It was great. I'm partial to romances involving one or both of the main characters playing sports.


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