ARC Giveaway -- Jen Doktorski

Last month YA Books Central hosted a cover reveal for my forthcoming book, August & Everything After. They’re also hosting a giveaway of three ARCs, which is ending in five days. So in the spirit giving, or in this case giving away, click the link below and enter for your chance to win!
I talked a little bit about this book in my October post, but here’s the blurb from my publisher.
Graduation can’t come soon enough. Desperate for a fresh start, Quinn is eager to escape to her aunt’s house on the New Jersey shore for the summer…away from teenage drama and having to answer everyone’s questions about “what comes next” after high school.
Quinn can’t bear to focus on the future. She doesn’t even think she deserves one—not after her best friend died in a car accident that Quinn feels responsible for. But when Quinn meets Malcolm, a musician who has been trying to escape his own demons, she starts to believe in second chances.
Happy holidays, everyone! Wishing you all peace, love, joy, and book deals in 2018 and beyond!


  1. Yay, Jen! So excited about this one!

    1. Thanks, Jody! Thanks too for all your input on my first draft! xo

  2. Yay giveaway!

    I'm curious about that title. Since music is such a big part of the book, were you inspired by the Counting Crows album?

    1. The album shaped the whole tone of the book, especially the song "Anna Begins," which, coincidentally, is the title of another YA novel.

  3. Congratulations, Jen! I applaud your choice of the name "Malcolm" for a LI--it's one of mine ;-) And your Malcolm sounds a bit like mine. The syllables break down to "broken dove" or something like that. It fit my character, and it sounds like it fits yours.

    1. Thanks, Courtney! It's one of my favorite names. Yay for our Malcolms! "Broken dove," I love that. Thank you for telling me.

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you, Kim! Your early read and edits made a big difference!

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you, Patty! I really appreciated the suggestions you made on my first draft!

  6. Replies
    1. I hope you win! But if not, I'll get you an e-arc for sure.


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