Celebrating Firsts by Lauren Bjorkman

This year had many firsts for me.
I wrote my first short story since high school—The Shark King—for an e-book anthology aptly call THE FIRST TIME. It’s a collection about love-kissing-boyfriends-girlfriends, but also relationships with parents, hardships, and triumphs, with a bonus zombie slaying or two.

Writing a story for the anthology led to another first—buying an e-book reader for my birthday. Though I’m a fanatic about real books, I wanted to give the new technology a try. So far, I like it. I usually read in bed, and I’ve found my new device to be small and easy to hold. Don’t call me a convert yet, but it’s much easier on the eyes than a regular computer screen. Maybe it will even save a few trees.
Now I better go write those goals for 2012.
Happy, merry, joy!
Congrats on all those firsts, Lauren! (I gotta say, I like my e-reader, too...)