Total Coward (Holly Schindler)


I have a confession:

At one point, I was a total coward. 

We all have moments of it. Of retreating even when we know we shouldn't. 

This particular moment came shortly after my first book, A Blue So Dark, released. I got an email from a teacher at a local school district. She told me she was enjoying my book, but they were having a meeting, and was I available to show up?

I had a bad feeling, even then. This was 2010, what now seems like a lifetime away from the push to ban any reading material that features or is written by anyone other than white, straight Christians. (Males? even better.) But like I said, bad feeling. A meeting? Of faculty? Not students? About what? Why me? 

I had this feeling I was about to be banned. That I was going to be asked to defend my book. Which is to say, I was going to be asked to defend, well, me. Me and all the choices I had made on the page. The swearing and the drug references, etc., etc. 

I chickened out. Said I wasn't available. 

Now, I'm not entirely sure that I'd go blazing in to some faculty meeting today (especially considering what school board meetings look like), on a white horse, colors flying. But I would definitely ask them what was up. And I'd definitely have an official statement. 

If there's anything the last few years have given me, it's practice speaking up. Defending what I think. Which is, essentially, defending me. 

I can't go back and answer the 2010 email differently now. But when another one comes, I'm ready. 


Holly Schindler is the author of A Blue So Dark. She does not think book banning makes any sense. And she is not afraid, here in 2022, to tell you so. 


  1. Even so, It has gotten you to reflect now that the banning frenzy is creating.

  2. All we can ever do at any moment is our best in that moment. Nice post!


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