Hope (Brian Katcher)


It's kind of hard to have hope in the current political climate. A US election is around the corner, and it seems to bring out the nastiest in people. Candidates are fighting over who can role back women's rights, LGBTQ rights, readers' rights, etc. the quickest.

So here is my hope for 2023:

*A woman's right to choose will be reinstated in all states.

*People to stop looking at trans people--especially trans youth--as a convenient political scapegoat.

*No school shootings this year. Well, no more  school shootings this year. Why is that so much to ask?

*For politicians to stop seeing who can make the most draconian anti-library laws. Seriously. LIBRARIES!

*And lastly, for all the children of the world to join hands and sing in the spirit of harmony and peace.. and that for $30 million a month to be given to me, tax-free in a Swiss bank account. (with special thanks to Steve Martin)


  1. Such simple hopes. So hard to believe they can feel so far away...


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