This Man is Some Kind of Reptile, I Don't Know Which (Brian Katcher)


Remember how back in the 80s, when they'd show a movie on network TV, and it was usually proceeded by the disclaimer 'Edited for Television'? In other words, they cut the good bits out. And before it occurred to the editors just to silence the swear words, there was a lot of ham-handed overdubbing of 'clean' dialog. For instance, who can forget Dan Akroyd in Ghostbusters telling the mayor how everything was fine until 'Wally Wick' shut off the power? Classic.

Or, take the procedural drama Police Academy. Why was the commandant so upset when he realized Mahoney had been hiding in the lectern? I feel like a scene was cut for some reason.

Or how the great Samuel L. Jackson, who's been known to occasionally work blue, delivering this zinger:

Or that Christmas movie, Die Hard:

 There was no character named Mr. Falcon in the movie.


It wasn't just the movies, either. The now defunct Walmart music download site kept the lyrics about Eminem murdering his pregnant girlfriend, but bleeped out the word 'vodka.'

So what's your favorite bad edit job? I'll leave you with some words from one of the Friday the 13th movies, as seen on ABC:

Him: She's full of SUGAR.

Her: Every word out of your mouth is either SHOOT or DARN.

Him: Sorry, I guess I just MESS up.



  1. Well, we sure as hell still need more cowbells to temper that fever.

  2. I haven't heard the Die Hard edit. Too funny.


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