My First 2025 Resolution (Holly Schindler)

I make them every year. And I mean EVERY YEAR. Resolutions about my writing, I mean. 

Sometimes it's more like a plan. Or a list of projects to tackle. But every year, I lay out what I want to get done--and, sometimes, how I want to tackle it. 

Here's the thing: I have never succeeded. If, that is, success is measured in crossing all the items off of it. 

A year's a long time. You never know what you're going to get hit with. How you're going to have to punt. Or what projects are going to turn out to be more important than the others. I add items to the list. I switch others out.

One item that's been on my list for more than a year? A podcast. Am I going to make it this year? Nope. But I do, at this point, have a better plan of action than I ever have before...and, on my desk right now? A condenser mic. 


The point of all this? A resolution maybe isn't something that has to get done right this very minute. But it does have to be something you're not willing to let go of.

Right now, I'm going to say that 2025 will be THE YEAR. Podcast. 

I'm more resolved than ever.


Holly Schindler is the author of the MG The Junction of Sunshine and Lucky


  1. Go, you, on the podcast! I do a "list of 100" every year and have never hit even 50 of them, but I would do far fewer things if I didn't shoot for the stars on my list of 100!


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