The writing life and the ocean--they have a lot in common.

Last weekend I went to my son's college graduation. It was everything I hoped, sharing this heightened tim

And then there's the plod plod plod of everyday life. When I came back home after the glorious weekend, I couldn't do a thing. All that rich intensity ebbed back into the ocean, leaving me on sand still damp and sparkling with what had been.
Now I'm thinking about waves, hoping the image will teach me to welcome the thick times and the sparse with equal grace.
As in writing, so in the writing life. Those times when inspiration surges in over my ankles, my knees, my thighs--when it threatens to knock me over!--I want it like that every day. But each wave ebbs back to reach into the depths and gather up the next wave. I'm telling myself to wait here long enough for the words to gather and wash over me again, briny and cold and invigorating.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts! It is true that words seem to wash over me like waves sometimes, while other times it seems like I'm sitting on the sand, waiting for the tide to come in.