swamp lilies and snowflakes
A book in thirty days. That's a challenge many writers pursue in November. I've never signed up for NaNoWriMo. It often takes a year to complete a first draft (including months of revision). Everybody has their own process. And that's okay. It's all about getting words on the page.
This November, I've been working on publicity stuff for my third YA novel, More Than Good Enough. In six weeks, it will be in the world. Looking back, I remember the stages along the way.
It begins with a character. A problem to solve. From there, I discover the setting. Before I start typing at my computer, I always explore the places in my story. More Than Good Enough is set in two worlds–the city of Miami and the Miccosukee reservation in the Everglades.
While researching for the book, I visited my friend, Houston, on the Rez. He was very patient and answered all my questions. One day, we took an airboat to the tree islands where his family had built a Chickee Chobee ("big house") years ago. It became the opening scene.

When I finished the revision for my agent, she sent the book to my editor at Flux. I had just moved to Brooklyn, New York. As I walked through the snow-glazed fields in Prospect Park, I often thought about Trent and Pippa, the main characters in the book. The mangroves and salt marshes of South Florida seemed so far away.
Months later, the book sold, and I visited those characters again the following winter. This time I was tackling the revision letter from my editor. At first, it's so overwhelming. Could I finish the edits in time? As snowflakes swirled on the fire escape, I closed my eyes and remembered the Everglades.

I needed to look at the manuscript with a fresh perspective. As I worked on the edits, I drew each chapter as a storyboard. It helped me organize scenes as I charted the character's journey.

In the summer, I flew to Canada on a writing retreat. That's where I finished my copy edits—curled up in a tree house with my laptop, surrounded by a haze of dragonflies.

Advance copies have already trickled into the wild. Here's the ARC that I mailed to a contest winner (with notes and doodles). I'll do another giveaway when the book releases in January.

It's hard to let go of a book. You've spent so much time together. The characters are still whispering in your ear. But now they're off on new adventures. Maybe you'll see them again. Or maybe it's time to write...for a just one month or many. Because every story moves at its own pace. Sometimes the words pour out fast. Or not at all. As the first tiny snowflakes tap against my window, I'll be listening.
I love the photos and will certainly get the book for the library I manage. I often imagine a world populated only by characters after they've left a book or a series. What must life be like for them?
ReplyDeleteThank you! I love the idea of fictional characters in their own magical world. It's so hard to let go of them. Maybe that's why I read my favorite books over and over...
DeleteLove your storyboard--and how writing is such a visual process for you. I know exactly what you mean about it being hard to let go of a book. My first MG will publish this Feb., and my next YA is headed to the copyediting stage...Both books were initially drafted roughly ten years ago! Tough to say goodbye to characters after so long...
ReplyDeleteCongrats Holly! I don't think our characters ever really say goodbye to us. They're like old friends....you can always pick up the conversation where you left off.
DeleteI really enjoyed looking at the photos and getting into your mindset. Felt like I was right there with you.
ReplyDeleteThank you! I took so many notes and pictures in the Everglades. But the things that I always remember most...are the sounds and colors inside my head.