The In-Between Year (Anna Staniszewski)
In November 2011, I was the proud parent of a bouncing baby book!
Not only was I thrilled to have my debut novel out in the world, but I was excited that it would be the first in a trilogy. The second book, however, was scheduled for early 2013, which meant that 2012 was going to be a big, fat in-between year.
So what does an author do during her in-between year?
She writes.
And revises.
And writes some more.
And tries not to overdose on chocolate.
I must say that this year has flown by, mostly because I've been busy with revising Book 2, drafting Book 3, and working on other projects. (And I was lucky enough to sell a new series to my awesome publisher.)

But honestly, as in-between years go, this has been a pretty good one. I've been able to keep writing--which I love--all with the knowledge that soon I'll be welcoming another bouncing baby book into the world. In fact, 2012 hasn't felt very "in-between" at all.
Sounds as if your time "in-between" has been very productive! :)